Matthews / Conner / Covey / Salts [Solt] Family History - Person Sheet
Matthews / Conner / Covey / Salts [Solt] Family History - Person Sheet
NameJohn Benton TRIPLETT315, M
Birth Date20 Jul 1849315
Birth PlaceBlack Fox, Bradley County, Tennessee
Death Date27 Mar 1944 Age: 94
Death PlaceBlack Fox, Bradley County, Tennessee
Burial Date29 Mar 1944
Burial PlaceTriplett Cemetery, Cleveland, Bradley County, Tennessee
FatherJerriah TRIPLETT , M (1820-)
MotherNarcissa BENTON , F (~1824-)
Birth Date9 Jul 1849314
Birth PlaceJonesboro, Washington County, Tennessee
Death Date24 Mar 1898298,25,314 Age: 48
Death PlaceBlackfox, Bradley County, Tennessee
Memo(outside of Cleveland, TN)
Burial PlaceTriplett Cemetery, Cleveland, Bradley County, Tennessee
FatherLeland Arthur SALTS , M (1818-1896)
MotherMary Jane McGINNIS , F (1824-1855)
Marr Date9 Jul 1874
Marr PlaceBradley County, Tennessee
ChildrenFannie A. , F (1875-1978)
 Mary Amanda , F (1878-1928)
 Dezy D. , M (1881-1966)
 Sue Ann , F (1884-)
 Onie E. , F (1887-1972)
 Glenn Shugart , F (1889-1984)
 Lena Leila , F (1893-1966)
Notes for Elmira Virginia “Ella” (Spouse 1)
Ella spelled her last name as Saltz.

1849 - Born in Jonesboro, Washington County, TN.

1850 - Found on the Greene county census with her parents.

1860 - Washington County, Tennessee Census103
SALTS, Daniel 55 day laborer TN
SALTS, Rebecca 68 day laborer Maryland
SALTS, Sarah 40 sewing and washing TN (daughter-in-law)
SALTS, Nancy P. 35 TN
SALTS, James 15 Printer TN
SALTS, Newton A.11 TN
SALTS, Tennessee V. age 10 TN
SALTS, John W. age 2 TN

1860 - She was also found in the 1860 cenuses in the household of Dave Stuart in
Leesburg District, Washington, Tennessee. This matches with the old letters I have from her granddaughter who said she lived and worked with a family name Stewart for several years.
STUART, David 52
STUART, Nancy A 22
STUART, Rhoda 57
SALTS, Elmira Salts 9, born in Tennessee keeping house

1870 - Washington Co., TN census104
SOTTO, Daniel age 71 Miller born Tennessee
SOTTO, Rebecca age 77 Keeping House born Virginia
SOTTO, Sarah J. age 38 Keeping House born Tennessee
SOTTO, Nancy F. age 30 Keeping House born Tennessee
SOTTO, E.V. age 18 Keeping House born Tennessee
SOTTO, Newton age 20 Laborer on Farm born Tennessee
SOTTO, John age 11 Attending School born Tennessee

1870 - She was also found in the 1870 census as Ella Solt in the household of Dave Stuart where she worked "keeping house". Her age is given as 18, the same age that was given in her grandfather's house for E.V. Salts. It is thought that the two entries for the girl are the same person, Elmira Virginia "Ella" Saltz

1880 - Washington County, Tennessee282
SALTS, Newton A. 28 laborer TN TN TN
SALTS, Mary E. 27 wife TN TN TN
Mertie L. 6 dau TN TN TN
Charles age 5 son TN TN TN
Thomas age 1 son TN TN TN
Elmira Salts age 23 cousin servant TN TN TN

Ella shows up on the 1880 census with Newton A. Salts. Her age was given as 23 and Newton's “cousin.” This is correct. She was in fact his cousin.

When, or before her mother died, Ella's father (Leland) brought all the children back to Tennessee to live with relatives and friends (at his wife’s request). It is thought that they all went to live with their grandmother McGinnis, but she was found in the 1860 census with a family named David Stuart and his wife, Nancy in Washington County, Tennessee. It is not known how long she stayed with this family, or if they were somehow related. Sometime after that, she went to live with her cousin, Newton A. Salts. And when older, she was taken to Cleveland, Bradley County, Tennessee to live with her aunt, Amanda Melvina McGinnis-Mercer Thompson (her mother's half-sister). She lived with her Aunt Amanda until she married in 1874316.

A Letter from Glenn Newman to Fay Saults [no date on letter]

“…This is my parents and their children. I can't give you the year of birth nor marriage without the family bible and I do not know which one of the family that has it. I am sure you know your grandfather was my mother's brother and Aunt Fannie was their sister. I am also going to tell you the true story of my mother's life. It seems she and her brothers and sister lived with their parents in Galesburg, Ill. The mother died. Her father brought all the children to live with relatives in Greenville or Jonesboro, TN. (I'm not sure which). My mother was the baby 3 years old. She never did see her father any more. It seems she said Uncle Will went to sea and worked--he was 14 years old, Uncle Doc (your grandfather) must have been nearer to the family that had my mother. She said they would visit sometimes. I can't remember what she said about Aunt Fannie. Anyway your grandfather went west and I guess Aunt Fannie did also. When mother was 18 years of age she went to Cleveland, Tennessee to live with her Aunt Amanda Thompson. They lived on a big farm which joined a plantation that belonged to Jerriah Triplett -- My mother met John Triplett and married him. There were both 25 years of age. To this union were born seven children. 1. Fannie -- married Oviatt Boone--3 children; 2. Amanda married Parker Newman--had five children; 3. Dezy married Jessie Green and had 3 children; 4. Sue married Oscar Osment and had 1 child; 5. Onie married Clarence Everhart and had 2 children; 6. Glenn married William Newman and had 2 children; 7. Leila married Leaslie (not sure of the spelling) and had 3 children. Leslie's last name was Roberts.

Aunt Amanda willed her farm to my mother. All of us children were born in the farm house except Fannie. My father lived on the farm until his death. Then Dezy took the farm but still lived in the city--he never did farm and you know there are only 3 children left. Dezy's son owns the farm now. He has built a beautiful brick home on the farm and lives in it. He and his wife drive every day to work in Chattonooga. Since there are so many express roads they can get to work in 25 minutes.--well, it's only 30 miles from the farm. Now this is so sad for us girls and all the neighbors around up there. The old farm house was empty and burned down just before Christmas. Dezy had it all fixed up before he died. He had put in a bath and electricity and had an 80 ft. well dug-right at the back porch. The old barn burned down many years ago--some people believe the barn was burned because my father wouldn't allow anyone to hunt or fish on the farm. We think the house was burned by someone trying to get in to get my nephew's furniture he had stored there. So much of their old furniture they stored there when they built the house they wanted modern furniture. That is a brief description of my family. Everyone seems to be prosperous or else they look pretty contented.

I think you will be interested in our Aunt Amanda. She had been unwell and she died before Onie was born. That is 85 years ago. She left part of her cash to educate ?????(I can't make it out) ------?------ ministers. When I was in Cleveland last summer Onie and I were invited to go to her church to an old fashioned ice cream supper. We didn't know any of the people there--except the friend that had invited us but fortunately the church’s secretary did sit at our table for his ice cream and cake. I asked him if Amanda Thompson's name was ever mentioned in his church. He said yes, once a month her name was mentioned. He said that up to date she had educated 20 ministers and had 4 young men in college at that time. They do not borrow the money--it's given to them.--and is never paid back. It seems the bank keeps her money invested and uses the interest for this kind of work. He said Amanda Thompson still lives on in this church.

You notice two of us girls married Newmans. They were first cousins. Now I am going to try and answer you letter. Sue was married 3 times. Her child was by her first husband but took his step-father's name-- Vance (or Lance) Cordell. He died two years before Sue. He left two fine sons. If you want to know more about them I can write you. I am a poor writer when it comes to answering letters. I can do very well about the family.

PS -- My mother's name was Ella Virginia Saltz. I should have started the letter with her name. I am full of mistakes. If you know the name of my grandmother--please write to me. I have been told my great Grandfather Saltz was Daniel Saltz. My mother spelled her name the way she was taught to. It is different from the way your family spell their name .”299
Last Modified 5 Jan 2017Created 26 May 2019 using Reunion for Macintosh