Reese can sometimes be found under the name of Reeves.
1018 It is thought that he may have been captured near Chattanooga in 1864, which accounts for a letter written by his brother, Robert of June 1864 saying, "I have heard that Reese is dead but I do know knowif it is so or not."
In the records of Rock Island, Illinois federal prison and Confederate burial ground, Reese Salts is listed as dying there on January 11, 1865. He is listed as Pvt. Co. F, 29th Tennessee Regiment, CSA, and buried in grave #1765. Dixie does not know where or when he was captured, but that is probably what Robert Monroe was referring to in his 1864 letter. Perhaps Reese was lost in a battle and reported to be dead.
During the Civil War, over 12,000 prisoners were house on Rock Island (now Arsenal Island) in Rock Island, IL. Of those housed there about 2,000 died from smallpox, pneumonia, and other medical ailments. These men were buried in a separate cemetery located on the eastern end of the island. He died in this prison camp at Rock Island Arsenal during the Civil War. The interesting thing here, is that the brothers frought on opposing sides in the Civil War.
1020He can also be found in the 1860 census for Greene County, TN page 416 District 24.