Matthews / Conner / Covey / Salts [Solt] Family History - Person Sheet
Matthews / Conner / Covey / Salts [Solt] Family History - Person Sheet
NameAmbrose RUCKER336, M
FatherEphraim RUCKER , M (~1778-<1858)
MotherRosamond Grant WRIGHT , F (1800-)
Notes for Ambrose RUCKER

Will of Ambrose Rucker
(W. B. 4, p.479, Amherst Co., VA)
Written 3 Dec 1803, probated 21 Dec 1807

In the name of God, Amen. I Ambrose Rucker Senr. of Amherst County and Parish of Lexington being in perfect health and memory, do make and order this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Viz: I lend to my beloved wife Mary Rucker during her widowhood or natural life, ten choice Negroes with the addition of three others, namely, Bart, old Nan and Clary, the mannor [sic] plantation whereon I now live with four hundred and seventy three acres of land in which said Plantation so included, being a part thereof: With one other Tract of land on the head of Harris Creek called my Mountain Plantation (except what I shall hereafter Will to my son, Ambrose Rucker) with all the stock and plantations utensils of every kind, including the Waggon [sic] and Mill (sp. Still?), all my household and kitchen furniture at her death or remarriage to return to my estate to be equally divided among my Children and Grandchildren.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son, Ambrose Rucker, the new survey on the upper or north side of my Mountain Plantation containing two hundred odd acres, with the addition of one hundred acres taken off the land formerly contested between Lucas and myself, which said hundred acres last mentioned is a part of tract lent to my Wife, and all the land on the south or west side of the road that leads from the head of Harrises Creek, with two negroes, Viz: Sarah and Crease, the former being now in his possession, with all other things I have given him heretofore, or let him have, except the ore Bank Land on the high peak of the Tobacco Row Mountain, to him and his heirs forever. The Ore Bank Land, containing three hundred and seventy five acres with one other tract adjoining, is to be sold at the discretion of my Executors and divided equally among my Children and Grandchildren.
I give to my son, Isaac Rucker, three hundred acres of land from the upper side of my Rocky Creek Plantation, running qulike across the creek from one side of the land to the other; also a negro woman named Anna and her children, also Betty and her increase. The said negroes being now in his possession and also all other things I have heretofore given him, to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give to my son, Benjamin Rucker, three hundred acres of land, it being the tract of land my son Isaac now lives on, so as not to interfere with the storehouse and my barns, also a horse, saddle and bridle and a good feather bed and furniture; two negroes, viz: Caleb and Rhoda, two cows and calves, two sows and pigs, my rifle gun and three sheep, to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and have given to my son, Reuben Rucker (dec’d) equal to two hundred pounds; also fifty pounds more in property to his heirs forever.
I have given and now do confirm unto the heirs of Winifred Plunkett (dec’d) one hundred pounds, and my executors are to pay them in property seventy pounds more, to them and their heirs forever.
I have given and do give unto the heirs of Peggy McDaniel (dec’d) one hundred pounds in property, and they are to be paid by executors (from my estate) in property, one hundred pounds more, to them and their heirs forever.
I do give and have given unto Franky Lee two Negroes, Viz: Lydia and Creasy, and sixty pounds in property, making in the whole two hundred pounds, to her and her heirs forever.
I give and have given to Molly Burford one negro woman named Sereter (sp. Serela?) and other things to the amount of one hundred pounds, and my executors are to pay her from my estate, one hundred pounds more in property, so as to make her first portion two hundred pounds to her and her heirs forever.
I give to Elizabeth Marr and have given two Negroes. Viz: Dilsey and Tille now in her possession and other things to the amount of one hundred and sixty pounds, and my Executors are to pay her in property out of my estate forty pounds more to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I lend to Sophia Rucker now Sophia Jennings five Negroes, Viz: Lelia, Doll, Greysey, Betsa and Daniel during pleasure, at her death they are to go to the heirs and issue of her body forever. Also I give to my Daughter Sophia fifty pounds cash, which said sum I desire my Executors to pay to her personally.
I give to my Daughter Caroline Hansford two Negroes, Viz: Jane and Nancy and other things to the value of one hundred and fifty pounds and my Executors are to [pay] her from my estate in property, fifty pounds more to her and her heirs forever.
I give to Matilda Marr two Negroes, Viz: Anna and Clarka and other things to the value of one hundred and eighty pounds and my executors are to pay her out of my estate, twenty pounds more to her and her heirs forever.
I give to Charlotte Rucker two Negroes, Viz: Caroline and Bicey, a good feather Bed and furniture, a Horse Saddle and Bridle worth twenty pounds and the said Negroes value at one hundred and twenty pounds and the Bed and furniture at fifteen pounds making in all one hundred and fifty-five pounds and my Executors are to pay her out of my estate forty five pounds in property to make her Legacy two hundred pounds to her and her heirs forever. Which sd Legacy is to be dispersed for the use of my said Daugher at the discretion of my executors.
I give to my Daughter Sally Marr two Negroes Viz: Delphia and Little Lucey or Yellow Lucy at the Quarter value of one hundred and fifty pounds, a Horse saddle and Bridle, at twenty pounds, a feather Bed and furniture at fifteen pounds, and other things amounting to one hundred and ninety nine pounds, nineteen Shillings, and my Executors are to pay her one shilling to make up her Legacy two hundred pounds in all, to her and her heirs forever.
And finally all my Land and other things not herein Willed are to be sold and put to value to pay the Legacies after they are paid, the remainder of my estate both real and personal that is not Willed away is to be equally divided among my Children and Grand Children, Viz: the Children of Reuben Rucker one share, the Children of Winifred Plunkett one Share, the Children of Margarett McDaniel one Share, Molly Burford one Share, Frankey Lee one share, Ambrose Rucker one share, Isaac Rucker one share, Sophia Jennings one share, Caroline Hansford one share, Betsey Marr one share, Matilda Marr one share, Sally Marr one share, Charlotte Rucker, one share, Benjamin Rucker one share and their heirs forever.
I give to Benjamin Rucker ____, Anthony Rucker and the heirs representatives of Isaac Rucker (dec’d) their due share of all the Lands patented in my name in the State of Kentucky agreeable to Contract to them and their heirs foever.
It is to be observed that I reserve half an acre of land for a grave yard where the grave yard is now fixed to belong to my family forever.
And lastly I do appoint my beloved wife Mary Rucker and my beloved sons Ambrose Rucker and Isaac Rucker whole and sole executrix and executors of this my last Will and Testatment. In Witness whereof I have herewith set my hand, affixed my seal this third day of December one thousand eight hunderd and three.

Ambrose Rucker {Seal}
Signed Sealed and acknowledged
In presence of:
John Creeney
Henry A. Christian
Anthony Rucker
Tinsley Rucker

Tis ordered in my Will that the land whereon I live shall be sold to the highest bidder. I hereby direct it shall be sold on Credit three annual payments and the money to be divided agreeable to my Will. Jan. 21st 1807. Ambrose Rucker

At a court held for Amherst County the 21 day of December 1807 — the last Will and Testament of Ambrose Rucker deceased was proven by the oaths of John Creeney and Anthony Rucker, two witnesses there to and ordered to be recorded. And Isaac Rucker one of the Executors named in said Will personally came into court and qualified according to law and entered into Bond with Anthony Rucker, David Tinsley, John McDaniel and Benjamin Rucker, exors, his Securties in the penalty of $50000 current money considered as the Law directs, certificate & granted him for obtaining a probal thereof is due former. Teste.

[In Margin] At a Court held for Amherst county the 18th day of January 1808, William Marr & the others being sworn say their veraly believe that the signature to the above instrument of Writing seems the proper handwriting of the sd Ambrose Rucker . . . ordered to be recorded. Teste Wm. S. Crawford, Ck.

21 Nov 1815, settlement of the estate of Ambrose Rucker, deceased. This was a document to pay his debts and it included many of his children and neighbors including paying his son Reuben Rucker for making his coffin. Total Due 2656.6.4 to settle the account of Isaac ucker, Exor of Ambrose Rucker, dec’d (W. B. 5, p.549, Amherst Co., VA).

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Corrections to Wood’s book.

Note: Errors in Wood’s book.
Page 73 — Winifred Plunkett is omitted from Wood’s transcription of Ambrose’s Will.
Page 75 — Frankey Lee and Matilda Marr are omitted from the list of children in Wood’s transcription of Ambrose’s Will.
Page 76 — In the Will, sons are mentioned first and then daughters, which is the way Sudie Rucker Wood listed Ambrose’s issue. However, there is a section in the Will (Wood, p. 75) that lists all the children, which I believe, is the correct order of birth.

Issue of Col. Ambrose Rucker and Mary Tinsley:
1. Reuben4 Rucker
2. Winifred4 Rucker
3. Margaret4 (“Peggy”) Rucker
4. Mary4 (“Mollie”) Rucker
5. Ambrose4 Rucker [Jr.]
6. Frances4 (“Frankey”) Rucker
7. Isaac4 Rucker
8. Sophia4 Rucker
9. Caroline4 Rucker
10. Elizabeth4 (“Betsy”) Rucker
11. Matilda4 Rucker
12. Sarah4 (“Sally”) Rucker
13. Charlotte4 Rucker
14. Benjamin4 Rucker

As with many old Wills, the handwriting is difficult to read. Some words are capitalized in one sentence and not in the other. I have done my best to decipher the microfilm copy at the Library of Virginia. The Will was written as one paragraph, which I have separated for clarity.
This was very difficult to read— Ore was not capitalized; Bank could be Bunk or Bark.
Another difficult word to read. Sudie Rucker Wood said it was quite, but that makes no sense.
This name is very difficult. It looks like it could begin with an “S” or an “L.” Is it Solelin as Wood suggests? It looks like Lileler but that doesn’t make sense. Could it be an African name?
S. Wood read this as Charlie.
S. Wood read this as Sr., but it could be son—neither one fits, as he didn’t call his son and namesake Jr.
There is no evidence that Ambrose was married twice. It is family lore that he was first married to Mary Headley, but I can find no record to substantiate it.
Last Modified 23 Jun 2012Created 26 May 2019 using Reunion for Macintosh